Google’s PMax for Marketplaces – drive shopping traffic directly to retailers

PMax for Marketplaces text on image of a digital marketplace

Co-op advertising Google has been trying to figure out co-op advertising in Google Shopping for a long time. Co-op advertising is a marketing strategy where manufacturers share the costs of advertising with retailers who sell their products. This mutually beneficial strategy helps manufacturers increase brand visibility and drive sales, while retailers gain greater promotional support […]

The Convergence of SEO and SEM. Merchant SEO for Google Retail Search

There are well-defined and distinct skill sets for paid ads and organic listings.  Years ago it was usually one person’s job to do both, but the disciplines and complexity have evolved and diverged. Most retailers have separate teams for paid and organic. It’s rare for agencies to handle both with equal skill. Now, Google’s free […]

Performance Max Rug Pull – What to do when performance drops

If you’ve been working with Google’s Performance Max campaigns (PMax) for any length of time you’ve probably experienced the rug pull. Campaigns will often do well at first in, but then something will change drastically. We’ve seen campaigns crater in spectacular ways, without significant changes to the campaign, account, competition, or market demand. PMax will […]

Exclude catalog items in a P-Max campaign

Google’s Performance Max campaigns have a learning phase. If your products have a traffic history or if there are GTINs for your products shared across multiple retailers, Google can do a good job of figuring out what are appropriate search queries for your products.

Dynamic display ad feed management with WakeupData

WakeupData is a fast-growing ecommerce feed management company specializing in building templates to translate ecommerce feeds to multiple channels. The company recently released an update that includes the attribute set for Display Ad optimization.